Friday, January 31, 2020



                The term ' Unakoti' meaning one number less than 10 million or 1 crore. It's located in the Unakoti district, North-east Tripura. It's one of the most famous mysterious historical site. Numerous rock carving sculptures and stone idols of Hindu gods and goddess are present.

                  According to the theories led down by researchers, Unakoti was probably a sacred spot for local Tibeto-Burmese tribes and the tribes were probably belonged to Shaivism. 

                 There's many legends we can hear if we visit the place, some of the most popular legends are as follows-

             °  once Lord Shiva along with one crore (ten million) Gods and Goddesses including himself was travelling from Kailash to Kashi. On the way, they reached Raghunandan Hill at night. So they decided to take rest and shelter on this hill. Lord Shiva warns all Gods and Goddess to arise before sunrise of the next day morning and proceed for the journey to Kashi. Unfortunately, none of them except Lord Shiva himself could get up early in the morning. The angry Shiva left alone on the way to Kashi and cursed all sleeping Gods & Goddess to become stone and stay there forever. As a result, we have one less than a crore stone sculptures on the Hill, and it is called Unakoti.     

              ° The local sculptor Kalu Kamar had a dream, if he can create ten million sculptures of Gods and Goddesses in one night, this place will be considered with equal status of Kashidham. Efficient sculptor Kalu Kamar in order to please Lord Shiva and his consort Parvati worked hard throughout the night to complete the task. It was just one short of a crore image of deities and the sculptor wished to create the last one for his own sculpture, rather than another god, where the artist and creation of the artist will get same importance in future. But the artist's self-conceit might not have been loved by the absolute creator. Therefore, the idol of the last deity left behind, and similarly Unakoti had no achieve its status as Kashidham — the locals say, on why not to give in to ahankara, or pride.

              ° According to another belief, a local sculptor & potter named Kalu Kamar was a devotee of Goddess Parvati who wishes to accompany Shiva and Parvati to their abode on Kailash. After acknowledging by Parvati, Lord Shiva agreed with a condition, if Kalu Kamar would sculpt a Koti images of Shiva idols in one night, then he will fulfill Kalu Kamars' wish. Kalu Kamar had worked tirelessly to complete the task, but unfortunately, he sculpted one less than a Koti idols before sunrise. So, Kalu Kamar leaves behind and the place named Unakoti, a Shaiva pilgrimage destination in Tripura.

            The major Hindu festivals celebrated at Unakoti is the 'Ashokastami' festival. This festival, which takes place between March and April each year, celebrates the victory of Rama over the evil king of Lanka, Ravana. The Ashokastami festival today is a re-enactment of this victory.
          According to the Archaeological Survey of India, there are still reliefs and statues in the jungle yet to be discovered. 
Unakoti might be added into the list of UNESCO’s World Heritage Sites.       

               According to the local peoples sculptures of Unakoti got destroyed due to massive earthquake. From all the sculpture 30 feet high carving of Shiva, known as "Unakotishwar Kal Bhairav" is the most famous.


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