The earliest civilization of South Asia is known as Indus Valley Civilization because a large number of sites were discovered in the Indus valley. Some archaeologists have called it the Harappan civilization named after Harappa, the 1st discovered site. It flourished during the 3rd-2nd millennium BCE. It ranks four amongst widely known civilizations of the world and covers area larger than any other civilizations.DHOLAVIRA:-
It's one of the largest Harappan sites and most prominent archaeological sites in India belonging to Indus valley civilization, spreading over 100 ha along with the cemetery.It's located in the Kachchh district of Gujarat. The site was first excavated in 1967-1968 by Jagat Pati Joshi second excavation was started by Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) under the direction of R. s. Bisht (1989-1991).The city is parallelogram in plan, outlined by massive wall. On the both sides of the city wall there was a provision of broad roads running all around. On the basis of their relative location, planning, defence and architecture......the settlement has been tentatively divided into- citadel, middle town and lower town. Citadel and Middle town has its own defence system, gateway, street, wells and large open space. While the lower town did not have its own fortification wall but it lies within the common fortification wall of the city.
★ CITADEL:- It was established in the southern part of the city. The citadel mound was about 300 m EW and 160 m NS. It consists of two fortified subdivisions: 'castle' on the east and 'bailey' on the west. To the north of the citadel, a broad and long area provided a ground for community gatherings or also referred as Ceremonial ground.
★MIDDLE TOWN:- To the north of the Ceremonial ground, middle town was raised. Total area was 350 m EW and 250 m NS.
★LOWER TOWN:- It's located on the east side of the site. Total area covers is 300 m * 300 m.
These three major built-up makes an L-shaped design altogether. Outer fortification wall was made up of mud bricks. At places near gates, stone facing has been provided on the inner face to provide more strength. Total area occupied was 1771.10 m^2 .
One of the characteristic features of Dholavira is water reservoirs.There are altogether 16 reservoirs and only two have been excavated. 20% of the area was used for the management of water. The site represents the best example of hydrolic engineering of water management.
Another important discovery was the presence of engraved inscription of ten large sized Indus script and other is the fragment of large seals with three large signs.
Funerary structures is another important feature throwing light on the socio religious practices and believe.
Pictures provided by my senior Vishal Sikaria and my friend Anubhav Mukherjee.